The CMS Superintendent Search Community Engagement Playbook is Here


CHARLOTTE (January 10, 2023) - The Charlotte-Mecklenburg School Board heard final results of an eight-week community engagement initiative from local consulting firm Civility Localized at their public board meeting on December 13th. Now, the firm has released the final report documenting the findings of those efforts. 

Back in September, 2022, the School Board set out to determine what parents and community members are looking for in a new CMS Superintendent. To do that, the board worked with Charlotte-based consulting firm Civility Localized to conduct community engagement from September 26 to December 13, 2022. During that time the consulting team gathered community input in an authentic and inclusive manner to adequately inform the school board’s 2023 superintendent search process. 

Community Engagement included Interviews, Focus Groups, a Survey, and Community Listening Sessions. To view the final report, community members should visit the website beginning today, December 30, 2022. This report will be used to inform the superintendent search beginning January 2023, with an expectation of hiring the superintendent by summer.

According to Christine Edwards, Founder of Civility Localized, “The goal was to gain as many perspectives as possible. We value the lived experiences of each participant and hope this report illuminates the needs and priorities of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community in an authentic way.” 

Please find a link to the report below. 

CMS Superintendent Search Community Engagement Playbook


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Civility Localized


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