Summer of Service

Cultivating Strong Communities Through Youth Engagement

Summer stretches before us brimming with possibilities. For many young people, it's a time for exploration, relaxation, and perhaps even a chance to make a real difference. At Civility Localized, we believe strongly in the power of youth engagement in building strong communities.

Young people bring unique perspectives and energy to community-building efforts. Across the nation, it is often young people who drive positive change. From organizing demonstrations to advocating for environmental protection, youth-led initiatives have a history of making a real impact.

The Civility Connection

At Civility Localized, we recognize the importance of nurturing future generations of civic leaders. In 2023, we welcomed several college-age interns who brought fresh ideas and perspectives to our projects. This year, we've expanded our Community Ambassador program with the addition of five new Ambassadors, ranging from young adults to mid-career professionals. These individuals share our passion for community engagement and are dedicated to making a positive impact where they live.

Summer is a prime time to encourage youth engagement. Whether it's volunteering at a local non-profit, organizing a neighborhood event, or simply starting a conversation about a community issue, every action counts. As a community, we can empower young people to take ownership of their neighborhoods and become active participants in shaping their futures.

Learn More

Throughout the month of July, Civility Localized will use our social media platforms to highlight organizations working to empower young people through civic engagement. One such organization is the CDF Freedom Schools in Winston-Salem, NC.

CDF Freedom Schools encourage participants to engage their community in civics. As part of the curriculum, parents and community members are invited to free dinners at CDF Freedom School sites to learn how to get involved in their communities. Students are taught the importance of civic engagement, voting, literacy, and more. Participants and their parents are given opportunities to get involved and to meet community leaders working to improve civic participation.

Another organization supporting youth engagement is Wake Forest University. Through the research of Dr. Dani Parker Moore, Assistant Professor at Wake Forest University, the efficacy of CDF Freedom Schools in Winston Salem is being studied. In addition, Dr. Parker-Moore explains that she is interested in working with Winsont Salem Forsyth County School District to secure funding and expansion of Freedom Schools across the city.

You can learn more about CDF Freedom Schools on their website, and by researching the life and legacy of Civil Rights icon Marian Wright Edelman.

Join the Conversation

How can we better engage young people in our communities? Share thoughts and ideas with us on social media! We'd also love to hear about successful youth-led initiatives in your area. Let's work together to cultivate strong communities where everyone has a voice.


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