Our Company Values

Rooftops of closely positioned single-family homes in a sunny neighborhood serve as backdrop for the text: Our Core Company Values: Trust, Inclusion, Community. Civility Localized logo is bottom right.

Our Core Company Values at Civility Localized: Trust, Inclusion, & Community

Welcome back to the Civility Localized Blog. Today we are sharing our core company values with you! 

What are the core values that make Civility Localized special you may ask? While we have many, there are seven main values that keep us grounded as we take up space in the community. Ready to learn more? Here we go!

Value #1: Trust

Here at Civility Localized, trust is central to how we operate. First, we trust one another as teammates to make sound decisions. We also deeply value trust earned in the communities we serve. And above all else, we believe in truth-telling. We desire to remove barriers to civic engagement and public works in local communities. We aim to optimize community initiatives and make them inclusive. We do this by hosting highly visible and equity-conscious events, including teaching panels, feedback sessions, community polling, and more. 

Value #2: Togetherness

Civility Localized brings people together because we believe that we are all in this together. As an agency, we move as a unit. As members of the community, we believe there is no greater honor than to serve the best interests of the people most impacted by policy and projects. That’s why we do what we do in both the public and private sectors. Bringing clarity and credibility to public works and nonprofit initiatives empowers communities to come together and ultimately to thrive. 

Value #3: Inclusion

We prioritize equitable distributions of power and inclusion every step of the way. This core value informs our day-to-day operations, including demographic, language, and business policies. At Civility Localized, we value diversity in all its forms, including opinions and voices. We prioritize learning and development in this area as well. It is our goal to be ever reaching for greater levels of inclusivity and to never rest in an attitude of complacency in this area. 

Value #4: Community

Community is at the core of everything we do. While definitions of community can be fluid, we know we desire to remain consistently in sync with the people we serve. That’s why we ask questions like, What does community mean to you? 

At Civility Localized, we hold deep respect for the rights, differences, and dignity of all people. We seek to approach our work with honesty and integrity that fosters greater community everywhere we go. To learn more about our commitment to Community, check out this Chat with Founder Christine Edwards

Value #5: Ease

At Civility Localized, we like to keep it simple. We don’t want to make work any harder than it has to be. While project management and community engagement can become complex, we value ease and simplicity. This informs policies like “don’t overthink it”, and “sleep on it” within Civility Localized; both powerful predictors of how our work plays out and shows up in local communities.  

Value #6: Autonomy

We value autonomy, which at its core, means the very right to self-govern. That means we value empowering people to influence policy and government at every level. That’s why Civility Localized takes on projects like PB Meck, a pilot participatory budgeting initiative designed to put budgeting power in the hands of Mecklenburg, NC County residents. You can learn more about PB Meck, and about how we encourage autonomy by checking out our blog post on Participatory Budgeting. Autonomy shows up in how we operate and engage, and it is hopefully one of the things we leave in the hands of the people we serve. 

Value #7: Fun

At Civility Localized, we strive to make community engagement enjoyable and fun. Our work reflects this in every way. For us, fun is defined as authentic expressions of joy, freedom, and happiness. When experienced together, we believe fun builds stronger communities. Communities don’t always come ready to engage. Incorporating fun and connection in the community engagement process can strengthen bonds and create both vibrance and resilience. 

It is our hope that these core values and our deep commitment to community empowerment show through every project we take on. We believe these values set us apart, and demonstrate what makes Civility Localized so dynamic. You can read more about our mission and values at civilitylocalized.com. We aim to increase equity, inclusion, trust, and community through dynamic forms of engagement with government and nonprofit initiatives nationwide. Local communities everywhere deserve to grow with dignity, and that’s why we #engagedifferent everywhere we go. 

How do you define community? Let us know in the comments! Are you currently plugged into community? We love to hear your definitions of community and how you engage locally. Find us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to continue the conversation! 


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